Tips for Keeping Track of Paint Colors & Easy Touch-up Painting When Selling Your Home
Posted by Ryan Penn on
As a homeowner, it's inevitable that at some point you will need to do some touch-up paint. Whether it's covering a hole from an unmounted picture, or the scuffs and scrapes that walls and baseboards take along the way. And when you sell your home, doing a little touch-up paint (and wall cleaning) will go a long way to show that you're a responsible homeowner.
And nowadays, the average home has at least 3 different paint colors adorning the walls. When you add in trim and ceiling colors, and different sheens used in different rooms (like bathrooms for instance) - it can all be a challenge to keep up with. . Following are some simple tips to keep track of your paint colors, match existing paint colors, or clean scuffs off walls and trim.
How to…
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