Denver Lofts for sale
We have every Denver Loft for Sale listed below by loft building and neighborhood. If you are looking for an MLS listing in a specific building, then use the search below. If your search is broader, you can also search by neighborhoods where lofts are prevalent (like LoDo or RiNo for instance). If you are new to Denver, here is the Denver Neighborhood map. We can also sell your Denver loft, contact us for a free loft evaluation today at (303) 532-4742.
Tip: use CTRL+F (pc) or COMMAND+F (mac) to search for a specific neighborhood.
Browse All Denver Lofts for Sale
- 9+CO Lofts
- 16 Market Square Lofts
- 1890 Wynkoop Lofts
- 2500 Walnut Lofts/ Benjamin Moore
- 3131 Zuni Lofts
- Acme Lofts
- Ajax Lofts
- Art House Townhomes
- Auraria Lofts
- Avenue Lofts
- Bag Factory Lofts
- Baldwin Lofts
- Balustrade
- Barclay Tower
- Barteldes Seed Building Lofts
- Bayly Lofts
- Blake Street Lofts
- Briargate Lofts
- Brownstones at Riverfront Park
- Cadillac Lofts
- Century Lofts
- Coloradan Lofts
- Confluence Heights
- Creekside Lofts
- Delgany Lofts
- Denver Dry Building Lofts
- Denver Rock Drill Lofts
- Diamond Lofts
- Edbrooke Lofts
- Edge LoHi Lofts
- Fire Clay Lofts
- Flour Mill
- Four Seasons
- Franklin Lofts
- Frontview 40 Flats
- Glass House
- Granada Fish Factory Lofts
- Grand Cherokee Lofts
- Hardware Block Lofts
- Highland Crossing Lofts
- Ice House Lofts
- Isbell Lofts
- Jack Kerouac Lofts
- John Deere Plow Lofts
- Lakehouse Lofts
- Laurel Cherry Creek Lofts
- Left Bank Lofts
- McGregor Square
- Metropolitan Lofts
- Monarch Mills
- Museum Residences
- Neusteters Lofts
- Ogden Lofts
- One Lincoln Park
- One Wynkoop Plaza Lofts
- Palace Lofts
- Park Place Lofts
- Penn Garage Lofts
- Promenade Lofts
- Railyard Lofts
- Ritz Carlton
- Riverfront Tower
- Rocky Mountain Warehouse Lofts
- Saint Lukes Lofts
- Sanctuary Lofts
- SH Supply Company Lofts
- Silver Square Lofts
- Silver State Lofts
- SkyLofts
- Spire Denver
- Stadium Lofts
- Steelbridge Lofts
- Streetcar Stables Lofts
- Taxi Lofts
- The Park at One Riverfront
- Titanium Lofts
- Townhomes at Riverfront
- Trovare
- Volker Lofts
- Waterside Lofts
- Watertower Lofts
- Wazee Wire Works Lofts
- West End Lofts
- Wewatta Transfer Lofts
- Zi Lofts
You can also search for Denver lofts for sale by Denver Neighborhood. The best Denver lofts for sale tend to be in LoDo Denver Lofts, RiNo Denver Lofts, Lohi Denver Lofts, Downtown Denver, Ballpark Lofts for Sale, Five Points, and even Capitol Hill Denver Lofts, the Golden Triangle lofts, and Uptown Denver Lofts. Search by the best Denver neighborhoods to live in below.
Browse All Denver Neighborhoods
- Baker
- Ballpark
- Bear Valley
- Belcaro
- Berkeley
- Bonnie Brae
- Byers
- Capitol Hill
- Central Park
- Chaffee Park
- Cheesman Park
- Cherry Creek
- Cherry Hills
- City Park
- Clayton
- Cole
- Congress Park
- Cory-Merrill
- Country Club
- Crestmoor Park
- Curtis Park
- Downtown Denver
- Five Points
- Globeville
- Golden Triangle
- Green Valley Ranch
- Greenwood Village
- Harvey Park
- Highland
- Hilltop
- Jefferson Park
- Lincoln Park
- LoDo
- LoHi
- Lowry
- Mayfair
- Montbello
- Montclair
- Observatory Park
- Park Hill
- Platt Park
- Polo Club
- Regis
- RiNo
- Riverfront Park
- Rosedale
- Santa Fe
- Skyland
- Sloans Lake
- SoBo
- Sunnyside
- Sun Valley
- University (DU)
- University Hills
- Uptown
- Wash Park
- Washington Virginia Vale
- Wellshire
- West Highland
- West Wash Park
- Whittier
Denver Neighborhood Map
Denver Loft History
Might as well just call Denver “Loft City.” When Coors Field was built in LoDo in 1992, what followed was a surge of loft construction. No building or piece of land was safe – you couldn’t build them fast enough. Some were old warehouses converted into true lofts. After all, Wikipedia defines a loft as “a large adaptable open space, often converted for residential use (a converted loft) from some other use, often light industrial.” A perfect example would be the Watertower Lofts at 2960 Inca St. Lofts popped up everywhere and LoDo was reborn. Denver Lofts for sale range in size and price depending on location, style of building, and amenities.
If you are looking for Denver Lofts then you are in the right place. We dedicated a page to every loft building in Denver – so you can view MLS listings just for that address and view only lofts for sale in that building. In some cases, there may be no active MLS listings for that address, so no lofts will be displayed. Check back again soon or create an email alert to capture new listings for just that loft address.
LoDo lofts for sale (Lower Downtown) aren't just the only Denver lofts for sale anymore. You can now find lofts for sale in Capitol Hill, Uptown, Highlands, LoHi, Golden Triangle, Riverfront Park, and Central Platte Valley (Prospect). Some Denver Lofts for sale will blur the line between loft and condo (like Spire for instance). Due to the popularity of lofts, newer “loft-style” construction started popping up all over the place (a great example is Waterside Lofts). Loft purists would tell you that if it wasn’t converted from a dirty old warehouse – then it’s not a loft, it’s a condo. Others will say that if the space is open concept with open door bedrooms and exposed HVAC – then it’s a loft. We didn’t discriminate against loft imposters, we just call them all “lofts.”
On our Denver Lofts for sale page, we have lofts broken down by the Denver neighborhood where they reside for easy viewing. Also, take a look at our Top 20 Denver Neighborhoods (all of the neighborhoods around the Downtown Denver lofts for sale). We have literally seen dozens of lofts for sale in every Denver loft building – so we know the loft landscape inside out. Picking our favorites wasn’t easy. All of our loft listing pages also include the year the loft building was built, which year it was converted if it is an older building, and how many units are in the development.